Sunday, October 19, 2008

Oh Gross

After 6 months of exclusive breastfeeding, I got my period back. And while it's a healthy sign that my body is getting back to normal, it wasn't exactly what I was hoping for. I thought I would be able to dodge it until we introduce solids but, as my mom would say, "it is what it is".

Since I'm visiting my parents I had to raid my sister's stash of tampons and pads. I know most women generally prefer one or the other (or both) but I haven't ever found either option very satisfying. Pads tend to be messy and can chafe. Tampons have always dried me up and been uncomfortable. Although I use cloth diapers for the baby, I'm not really interested in trying out the cloth variety for myself.

Then I happened to read an article in Chatelaine this month by Gill Deacon, Your greenest time of the month. Period. She says she's a big fan of the "keeper cup" as another option for feminine hygiene. Menstruation cups have been available in some form since the 30s but only within the last ten years have they become more mainstream. I had heard of them before but until Gill's article I hadn't really thought of using one. 

I did a little online research and decided to try the Moon Cup, the silicon version of the Keeper Cup. I bought it at Earth's General Store in Edmonton. 

Has anyone else ventured down this path or thought about it?

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Never in all my life would I image such a thing. I must admit I have never heard or used a moon or keeper cup. And although my initial reaction was ooh. I am intrigued all the none. My basic concerns are related to "overflow" and such, but I always keep an open mind and am interested to hear what you think after experimenting.
