Thursday, October 9, 2008

Flying with Baby

We're leaving for Edmonton in half an hour. This will be Petra's second plane ride... last time was not great. Since the return trip was much better than the ride out, I'm hoping she'll be calm for this one. 

Here are my tips for traveling with a baby:
1. Pack as lightly as possible. If you're visiting family you can probably borrow items on the other side (thank you Lindsay). If not, you can rent a lot of baby gear.
2. Travel during your child's regular awake period. Unless your baby is an awesome sleeper, don't count on a peaceful trip if your baby is just exhausted.
3. Don't fly alone. Seriously, if you have to go to the washroom and you're alone, it pays to travel with a sling so you can wear your baby. 
4. Soother, soother, soother. I know some people don't like a pacifier but it works like a dream for us for nighttime and flights. Petra doesn't nurse unless she's hungry so I can't rely on soothing her that way. Use whatever it is that soothes your baby. Yes, strangers will hear you singing and making silly noises. 
5. Rely on the kindness of strangers. I'm not saying be foolish and trust a stranger with your baby but let them hold your diaper bag for a second while you unzip the pouch with your ID/boarding pass in it if you need too.

Any other tips from experienced flyers?


  1. Lots of tips and products/services can be found at

    Please remember that all passengers should be buckled up for all phases of flight for safety. Respect that the plane is going 200 mph on the runway and over 500mph in the air. (aborted take-offs and unexpected turbulence injures and kills unrestrained passengers)

    Breastfeeding is great - just don't remove a baby from a car seat to feed them. I recommend expressing milk and using a bottle to feed (like the Adiri bottle)

    Pack the carry-on wisely. I am just writing an article on this. Top must haves? Any medication needed to treat fevers, respiratory distress (asthma inhalers), allergies (EpiPens) - etc. It was studied and proven that airlines don't carry adequate medication to treat infants. As a nurse I can tell you that in flight emergencies are not ideal for anyone!

    It really is the little stuff that matters - hop over to my site and blog and I'll tell you more...
    Have a great flight!

    *Time is your friend - avoid rushing.

  2. Anya, thanks for your comment.

    The flight went really well. I managed to get a seat for Petra without paying for it.

    Since the economy is softening, there will likely be a seat free on your next flight. If you're flying WestJet, tell them at the counter that you would like to put a seat on standby for the baby. If that seat is still free when the plane arrives at the gate, you get to take the baby's car seat on board!

    It was so nice to be able to put her down and let her take a nap, and not be trying to feed her with her legs dangling into the aisle or into some stranger on my side. I actually got to have a drink and I could have brought a magazine.

  3. Did you have to pay for the seat?
