I don't want to seem like a complainer but I am just completely, utterly, absolutely exhausted. I still function like a regular human being for most of the day, aside from a desperate tug to nap between two and three every afternoon, but I'm in shambles by the end of the day and I dread night time.
I just wonder how many other babies do this (because I must be the only one suffering like this right?). She's nine months old and she'll wake, on average, 4-8 times each night. Sometimes my husband can soothe her back to sleep, as he did just ten minutes ago, but usually she wants to nurse. I can no longer attribute the wakings to being away from home or a cold or teething because it has become our new normal, we're going into our third month of consecutive sleepless nights.
My biggest problem is that I haven't scaled back commitments. I'm not taking time for myself to relax and recoup during the day. I don't, and my husband certainly doesn't, understand why I can't give myself a break. I think it's because I desperately want to feel normal. I'm hanging onto my preconceived notions that my life would be normalizing at this point. I feel entitled to enjoy my maternity leave and visit my friends, go for walks, go shopping or swimming or whatever.
Trusty Google is failing me, I can't seem to find anything useful on the world wide web. Help mommas, help.