Monday, December 15, 2008

Birth Control

After you have a baby, the last thing you want to think about is sex but eventually you do. Then you realize you have to think about birth control again because the Sixth Month Itch will strike and you probably don't really want another right away. 

I used to take the pill but when you're breastfeeding, it's a different story. Your options are more limited. If you want to take the pill, your only choice is the low dosage version which you have to remember to take at the same time every day. So what other options does a momma have?

1. IUD - while it's not your mother's IUD, it's not the first choice for very many women. It can be uncomfortable at insertion, you may lose your period, it can 'migrate' and it could take a while for you to get pregnant after removal. This option was my doctor's recommendation but she is a resident and I think she wanted to do a 'procedure'.
2. Diaphram - okay this was your mother's birth control and it will completely negate any spontaneity. It also seems to involve some mucking about that I'm not into and it's not highly effective.
3. The Patch - this one seems weird. I don't know anything about it or know anyone who's tried it. If any of you have and want to comment, please do.
4. The Ring - new and interesting but I like to take my hormones by proven methods thank you. And again, it's hormone based so breastfeeding mommas can't use it.
5. The Shot - no thank you, even if I wasn't breastfeeding I wouldn't mess with my hormones that much.
6. Condoms - gross. Who would have ever expected to use a condom with their husband.
7. Natural family planning - the method where you learn about your body and how it works to make it work for you. While this sounds like a utopian solution, I think it could be tricky and not highly reliable.

I don't think there are really great options out there. How are you tackling the issue?


  1. Great post... still trying to get my husband to consider vasectomy :) There are so many birth control "options" out there but why are they all (except for condoms) made for women to take, not men, this always puzzled me.

  2. At the risk of sharing too much information :) We use yucky condoms. Always have - I have been on the pill before, but I really don't like the hormones. They mess with my brain! The good thing about it is when we decided we were ready to start trying to have a baby, we didn't have to wait at all... Once we're done though, we'll definitely go the vasectomy route. Jeff is pretty open to to, so that's good.

  3. Interesting. I'm a little surprised by the reaction to #6. I would have thought this would be #1. I can't believe I'm sharing this on a public site, but I've long been an advocate of using both the pill and yucky #6 as general birth control. Better safe than sorry, right? (though I have had girlfriends complain about having to use both) Sure, it takes some getting used to and tends to temporarily temper the mood (though you should be "smoother" with practice) but I know I feel better afterwards knowing those precautions were taken. I've never asked a woman if it affects her enjoyment (the sensation), though I can certainly state that it affects the man's (though, in the interests of prolonging the festivities, that's not necessarily a bad thing). Is it really that yucky? Hm. I still think it's the #1 choice...

  4. my vote is for another method - Fertility Awareness Method - which you can use once you get your period back. by using a combo of fertility signs - cervical mucus, body temp and cervical position (optional sign) - you will know when you're ovulating and what days to avoid sex or use a condom. this method can be used if you want to get pregnant or if you don't. see toni weschler's book on the subject.

  5. I had the shot while in university and once it wore off we switched exclusively to condoms. I agree with Philip...#1 choice in my books. I know a lot more guys who don't like wearing one and I'm glad I don't have a latex allergy like one lady I know :)

  6. I cannot rave enough about the IUD. I never considered it before but after first child, we used condoms and now we have two kids (6 month itch factor for sure!!).

    This time, didn't want to use condoms, felt weird about the pill (hormones), hated the shot in university, and diaphragms creep me out for some reason (and we need surefire protection!). Midwife recommended IUD and I had it put in last week. Basically NO pain for insertion (I'm told it depends on if you've had kids before) and totally worry free. Doc said migration only happens in freakishly rare cases.

    Did I mention I love it??
