Thursday, February 5, 2009

Postpartum Thyroid

If I say thyroid problem, Graves' disease, or Hashimotos, do you say huh? I did and still do.

Aside from understanding that the thyroid is hormonal and controls the body's metabolism, I really didn't know anything else and I couldn't recognize the symptoms beyond weight gain or loss. 

At my physical last week my doctor asked how I was feeling, I mentioned my dramatic weight loss (70 pounds in nine months) and how tired I've been feeling. She decided to check my thyroid and now I'm in the second round of blood work because my TSH came back low.

I won't know the results until Monday so I thought I should do some Google research in the meantime. I found that hyper/hypo-thyroidism is very common in postpartum women. In fact a lot of women bounce back and fourth between hyper/hypo and eventually level out in a few months. This article says that 10% of women develop an ongoing thyroid problem. I also found out that an unregulated thyroid can impede fertility and breastfeeding

It's a lot more common than I thought and, when unregulated, is really serious. If you are postpartum and haven't had your proper physical yet - book it, and ask your doctor to check your thyroid.


  1. Hmmm... big weight loss... trouble with low milk supply... going to book physical now! Thanks Gina.

  2. It's too bad that this couldn't be tested during the 6 week postpartum check-up. Now I'm wondering... thanks for the info Gina. I'm going to read that article now.


  3. I've had Hashimoto's Syndrome since I was about 8, and was diagnosed when ten. It really affects my life when my dosage is off, but when things are in balance and I'm taking the proper medication, I don't notice anything. I will be taking medication for the rest of my life though, and already have been taking it for (Christ!) 19 years. But 70 pounds! I thought you were looking particularly willowy...
