Saturday, February 21, 2009

Feeding Baby

I know this subject is voraciously discussed in other places but I still want to add to the fodder.

Petra started eating food just before she was six months old, since she took a keen interest in food and eating (she would literally chew her tongue when I was preparing dinner), we decided to give her bites of banana or avocado or whatever. Then when she was six months old, we started her on vegetable and fruit purees. About a month or two into it, we really hit our stride, I was introducing new foods and she was eating all of it (except her first try of anything for some reason would be a dud).

Suddenly it's a chore to feed her. She will try something the first time and generally lose interest - spitting it out, trying to whack the spoon out of the air, or dropping everything on the floor. She insists on finger food or holding the spoon for herself with purees. I'm inclined to appease her since it's her body but some days I feel like all she eats is toast. 

Now I have just two weeks left on my leave and I'm worried that if she isn't nursing during the day that she may not be getting all she needs. Have any of you supplemented with goat's milk, juices or anything else before a year?


  1. I've been reading about goat's milk because I know M has issues with cow's milk. Goat's milk is easily digestible and very similar in composition to human milk. It used to be fed to babies as an alternative to formula. M already tried it and loved it. Give Petra a bit in the morning for a few days and monitor for any reactions, rashes, hives, etc. Good luck!

  2. No advice from me - it least she liked eating at some point - O has always been on the all-liquid diet! I expect to be still breastfeeding him when he goes to kindergarten ;) I've heard good things about goats milk, though. I agree with Daniela - give it a try.
