Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Who cares...

...about the produce in my fridge? I do. But at the risk of an incredibly boring post, I'll keep it short. Since I was on maternity leave, I decided to join a food cooperative for the summer/fall. A collective of farmers from the Kawarthas produce food for the program. They all use organic processes although some are not certified organic. Every Tuesday I pick up a box of freshly picked produce, most of it picked that day, and bring it home. Every week I'm excited and full of energy about new recipes. Every week I wonder just what the heck I'm going to do with ANOTHER bunch of beets or swiss chard or kale but hey - that's part of the fun. 

I want to brag about my box this week because it's soooo useable. Tomatoes, onions, garlic, tons of basil (pesto - thanks for the idea mom), zucchini, cucumbers, a watermelon (yah), beans (freezing) and more beets (going to a friend).

This program makes me feel like a do-gooder. I'm supporting small, local farmers, eating locally, and cooking really good food at home. We won't participate again next year once I'm back to work because it'll start to feel like a chore but I will try to get to farmer's markets as often as possible. There's not a better eating experience than eating fresh.


  1. i think vikesh will kill me if i cook any more beets! :)

    seriously, it's a great program and sounds really enticing!

  2. i left out the 6 ears of corn on the cob that we got again this week. i'll bring you some good stuff tomorrow.
